Who should you target and with what services and products?
How should you communicate with them to get the best results?
How do you maximise the return on your marketing spend to get the greatest results?
We work with you to better understand your customers and find you more. Effectively.
We're here to help you gain a greater insight into your customers, identify who buys what and where and then find you more in cost-effective and effective way that minimises marketing wastage and maximises potential results
User Case: Fitness & Training Centre
Find more clients for specific programmes
This business initially had around 3,000 current and post clients on their system and they wanted to know more about the characteristics of who was buying what service as they were going to launch a new programme.
We worked alongside them to gain a detailed socio-geodemographic profile of each of their clients and then segmented this into the top five spending types. We then used this profile to find more similar unknown customers within targeted locations. The results were extremely impressive with their highest ever lead generation per pound invested.
User Case: Online Seller of Candles
Launch a new luxury range
This client had already achieved some success with it's range of candles and was keen to improve their margins by creating and selling a higher end luxury range. They had already sold some premium candles and they had the purchase details of these customers in their database.
We were asked to analyse the customer data to identify and profile specific characteristics of a typical premium product buyer and provide the postcode areas where more of these type of potential purchasers live. They knew that the new range would only appeal to a particular type of buyer and they were keen to maximise their marketing budget by minimising unnecessary spend on inappropriate and expensive advertising.
We were able to provide them with the top 5 type of person (from a potential 40+ types) and the postcodes where these people lived. The client then focussed their online marketing budget to very specific locations. The result being that they minimised their advertising wastage and maximising results.
User Case: Luxury Day Spa
Promote seasonal offer
This business already knew that they had a premium product that generally appealed to a particular cohort of people and they did not want to undermine that segment. However, they were also keen to try and sell their services to those who has less spending power but who aspired to taste this type of lifestyle.
We were asked to analyse their current client database and profile their clients. From this we identified the most frequent users and the less frequent users. We then looked at what service each type of customer used and create avatars of the typical target client for the lower tier of membership.
Having created the ideal 5 types of target customers we applied our Intelligent Analytics to find more of these within a 25 mile radius who were then targeted with a mix of online and direct marketing methods.